Honestly not everyone needs to come to Bhutan. It's in a remote part of the world and hard to get to. Travel here can be challenging. But if you stumbled or clicked on to this blog, and if you're a traveler and not a tourist, then you're certainly a candidate. Bhutan is such a unique destination and no two people will want or need to have the same experience. Nonetheless all visitors will certainly experience magic, overwhelming beauty, and a serenity that is profound. Most of all, visitors to Bhutan, almost without exception, will be restored... and happy. Spending time in Bhutan gives a feeling of optimism about life and the world. I've never met anyone who visited who was happy to leave.

People who want adventure should make trekking and hiking part of their experience, and maybe some rafting. During the pandemic Bhutan got busy and restored the Trans Bhutan Trail, a glorious, ancient trail that spans the whole of Bhutan from West to East, linking towns and villages, temples and monasteries. You can hike all of it (which takes more than a month), or walk just a few days. There are home-stays and hotels in village along the way, or you can overnight at camping sites.
Spending time in Bhutan's sacred places is a perfect antidote for the world weary. With seventy percent forest cover, Bhutan absorbs more carbon than it produces, making it the only carbon negative country in the world. You'll smell the clean air as soon as you get off the plane. There is nothing more healing.

It's not an accident that every part of this Dragon Kingdom has temples, monasteries, nunneries, and even beautiful trees or knolls that are considered sacred, undisturbed because they're considered abodes of spirits and guardian deities. Walking in sacred places gives a feeling of peace and serenity that's hard to find anywhere else.
Whatever you do in Bhutan, you will meet the kindest, happiest people and travel amidst some of the most beautiful, unspoiled pristine scenery in the world. A recent visitor told me her time here felt like a beautiful dream. I told her that she should remember how she felt in Bhutan, and to take that feeling of peace and serenity back home with her.

If Bhutan's on your bucket list, or if you have always wanted to visit, I urge you to come soon, because life is short. Fall and spring are high seasons for visitors but summer and winter are also wonderful. The daily tariff has been reduced to USD 100 per day and in the summer and winter months there are big discounts on flights to Bhutan from India, Bangkok, Dubai, Singapore, and Kathmandu. There's a good range of options for accommodations, and you can travel in a group or solo.

Ideally you should spend at least ten days in Bhutan. That allows for some slow journeys by car through the country to visit a few settlements in the valleys. You can also fly across the country. All the valleys are different and distinct in their own charming ways.
I'd like to help you get here. Send me a message if you want more information.